Learn spanish with a MOOC
Our new course is a MOOC to learn Spanish language, A1 level, according to the European Framework Reference for Languages (EFRL). The course comprises 6 modules or units to be developed in 12 weeks. It also has additional activities available and a forum for questions, doubts and classmates' corrections, together with the teacher' supervision. The final test will enable the student to apply for the UCAM Official Diploma. Register here: http://easy-spanish.appspot.com/preview
Register starts in december.
Nuestro nuevo curso es un MOOC para aprender español correspondiente a un nivel A1 (EFRL). El curso es de 6 módulos con 12 semanas para llevarlo a cabo. Con actividades adicionales, foro de consultas y correcciones entre compañeros y supervisión del profesor. Al finalizar el curso el alumno puede solicitar un diploma oficial UCAM. Matricúlate aquí: http://easy-spanish.appspot.com/preview
Happy New Year for all.
ResponderEliminarHow can I apply for this Spanish course? Tks
Hi Miro.
ResponderEliminarIf you want to apply for this Spanish course, You can register in this link: http://easy-spanish.appspot.com/preview